Why Diaeta? The word comes from the Greek word meaning “ way of life” or “covering the earth.” To us, Diaeta describes our way of life — living a diet of balance.
Our classes strive to create a balanced way of living through diet and lifestyles. We offer retreats and workshops on Martha’s Vineyard, in Vermont and in Costa Rica. These retreats are building on the foundation of health that begins with our 21 Day Cleanse.
Living in balance is about so much more than what you put on your plate. It is also about eating a plant based diet with 60 – 80 varieties of plants a week, eating only the best sourced animal proteins, getting loads of exercise, slowing down, taking the time to be.
Each of us is different and we have different metabolic constitutions. Diaeta is finding the way. Join us on a Journey of Renewal. LEARN MORE ABOUT US