
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

How To Jumpstart Your Health in 2022: One Pot Dish + Salad Dressing

Top 20 Foods That Have Significant Influences on Human Health

Include in your weekly routine: Lemons, Leeks, Broccoli Rabe, Romaine, Radicchio, Grapefruit, Squid, Sardines, Oysters, Mackerel, Brazil Nuts, Curry

Do not include in your weekly routine: Agave, Dried Fruit, Sunflower and Canola Oil, Soy Protein, Peanut Butter, Low fat Dairy

Lemon Leek Dressing

½ organic lemon cut into small pieces

1 small leek (reserve the top to chop and cook as topper for salad)

2 tablespoons mustard

1 cup Extra Virgin olive oil and 1/2 water

1 gram (small packet) stevia

Place all the blender and blend until smooth. Keeps one week in the fridge

One Pot Dish That Nourishes…

I love to cook, but I also like to be super efficient in the kitchen. I make two bunches of broccoli rabe. I drop each in boiling water for just a few seconds. This takes some of the bitterness - not too much- out of the vegetable. I then saute the blanched broccoli rabe in a little oil and 3-4 minced garlic cloves.

I have one bunch for dinner and I save the other bunch for this dish the next day.

I do the same technique with the sweet potatoes, only I roast them in olive oil and garlic at 300 F for about 30 minutes. This would be a great time to include a liberal sprinkle of curry!

I also cut the tops off the leeks and cut them into small pieces  (cut in half first and then slice in 1” pieces) and I save for stock or I cook in the oven until just wilted - they make great “leek croutons.” 

I head radicchio 

1 bunch broccoli rabe, blanched and sautéed with garlic

1 head romaine lettuce

1 purple sweet potato skin on and lightly roasted with garlic and salt

1 can mackerel filets or sardines 

4-5 tablespoons lemon leek dressing

Leeks Croutons


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