
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Lamb's Liver


Lamb’s Liver is the World’s richest source of B vitamins, and an incredible source of iron, zinc, copper, vitamin A and D. And, most interestingly, liver may contain yet-to-be-identified nutrients that exhibit profound influence on strength, resiliency, and endurance.

We should all try to include liver in our diet and here I share a recipe for Lamb Liver Pate.

I find this is a bit more palatable for those that really don’t like the taste of liver.

Lamb Liver is a bit milder than beef liver.

Where to find: Look for meat farmers at the local farmer’s market and ask for their livers.

If you haven’t handled liver before, be prepared – its texture is slippery and it leaves what appears to be a bloody mess in your sink. Not quite appetizing…

This dish make you feel great! It gives an energy boost and you can eat it in small quantities with breakfast or lunch. This pâté makes the whole approach to liver be more palatable. Pairing it with bacon is an added bonus! forward to eating. When you make this recipe, freeze half and eat the other half over a few days in small quantities with meals. Add onions and garlic to the recipe, but if you are sensitive to them, it tastes fine without. And, if you have never had liver before, this is about as good as it gets for an introduction!

Lambs Liver Pate 

6 pieces uncured bacon

1 small onion, minced

5 cloves garlic, minced

1 pound lamb liver or grass-fed beef liver 

2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, minced

3 tablespoons fresh thyme, minced

½ cup grass fed butter of coconut oil, melted

½ teaspoon sea salt

1/8 cup chopped fresh parsley

Serve with Lettuce Leaves, Celery or Slices of fresh Carrot or Cucumber

Sauté the bacon slices in a cast-iron pot until crispy. Remove from oil and cut into small pieces. Set aside to cool, reserving the grease in the pan to cook the liver.

Add the onion and cook for 2 minutes on medium-high. Add the garlic and cook for a minute. Add the liver, sprinkling with the herbs. Cook for 3-5 minutes per side, until no longer pink in the center. Add the butter or coconut  oil until just soft. Remove from heat, and place contents into a blender or food processor with the butter or coconut oil and sea salt. Process until it forms a  paste, adding more butter or coconut oil if too thick. Add the bacon pieces. and pulse. 

Garnish with some fresh herbs parsley and serve on carrot or cucumber slices.

Support your local farmer and surprise her! Every farmer sells out their best cuts first like lamb chops or rack or leg, but surprise your farmer by ordering the shank or liver! 

I hope you fall in love with these recipes and they become a regular part of your diet!

 And I cannot share the lamb liver recipe without sharing my all time favorite lamb ball recipe from my dear friend Joan Nathan.

ProseJan Buhrman