
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Spaghetti Squash with smooth tomato sauce, zucchini and lamb balls

Spaghetti Squash with smooth tomato sauce, zucchini and lamb balls


Make the lamb balls.

Put the Spaghetti squash in the oven cook at $50 ro start - turn to 350 for about 20 minutes.

Make the sauce.

Sauté the zucchini.

Steam the Spinach 

Don’t forget the Feta  (or Parm!)

One  whole spaghetti squash

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 head of garlic

1 carrot- cut very small

1 can canned tomatoes

1 teaspoon thyme - dried or fresh

1/2 cup feta

1/3 cup chopped basil leaves

1 zucchini 

Preheat oven 400 degrees. Cut the spaghetti quash in half lengthwise. Then, scoop out the seeds and roast it. Poke a few holes in the skin of the squash with a fork and place it cut side down on a baking sheet. Pour about 1 cup of water on the baking pan and pop it in a pre-heated oven.

Roast it for 30 to 40 minutes. The  strands should be more al dente (and less mushy). The timing will depend on the size of your squash and the heat of your particular oven. It can also vary from squash to squash, so adjust your cooking time accordingly.

Make the sauce

heat the oil in a sauce  pan and add the garlic and then the carrots. Cook for a few minutes and then add the tomatoes. When the carrots are cooked, Blend in blender until Smooth 

Sauté the zucchini

Cut the zucchini in slices and salt 

Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil and sauce the zucchini until just cooked! remember it will continue to cook…

Chop fresh Basil and serve on the tomatoes sauce. Note you can use thyme or mint as well!

Steam the Spinach - A little (1 cups) water on the bottom of a pot add 1 tablespoon butter. Add the spinach, COVER with  a LID and allow to wilt.

Serve or blend - your choice

If you love pureed spinach, blend in the blender. If you liked creamed spinach add 1/2 cup cream and blend (add a dash of nutmeg ad salt!) 

Steam the Spinach - A little (1 cups) water on the bottom of a pot add 1 tablespoon butter. Add the spinach, COVER with  a LID and allow to wilt.

Serve or blend - your choice

If you love pureed spinach, blend in the blender. If you liked creamed spinach add 1/2 cup cream and blend (add a dash of nutmeg ad salt!) 

Lamb Balls 

1 pound ground lamb

¼ cup pine nuts (toasted and chopped fine) and or pistachios

1 shallot, minced 

2 cloves garlic minced

6-8 mint leaves, minced

2 teaspoon Raz el Hanout ) or cinnamon, cumin, allspice, ginger mixed)

2 eggs beaten

2 teaspoons of the tomato sauce

1 teaspoon salt

Mix everything together and rolling small into balls (about 1 1/2 inches )

Cook in a little (1 cup) of the sauce in a pan or in the oven, whichever is easiest for you.  350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Serve on top of the spaghetti squash with sauce.

Sprinkle with Feta 

Jan Buhrman