Cooking Series

Come join us!

December 14: Classic Holiday Cooking

December 14: Classic Holiday Cooking


Classic Holiday Cooking Class

I have been adapting my diet to accommodate Alpha-Gal* syndrome and so there will be variations on have to make these with vegan options such as: butter and vegan butter.  

Join me as we make some of my holiday classics. 

During class, we will make: 

  • Seared Scallops with Parsnip Butter

  • Oysters Vineyard Roasted with Spinach 

  • Duck Breasts with Cherries 

  • Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Roasted Squash

    Date: Wednesday, December 14th

Time: 5-6:30 pm

Place: Virtual on Zoom

Cost: $25

  • *Alhpa-Gal is an Allergic Reaction to Mammals and Dairy. Poultry and Seafood are ok to eat.

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