
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Beef Broth

veal stock 2There is no comparison to homemade stock from that found on the shelves in the grocery store. It is one of the most economically rich foods to include in your weekly plan. Find a farmer (possibly at a farmer’s market) or ask your butcher if they can get you grass-fed beef bones.

Broths or stocks contain minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur and trace minerals. It contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons.

Benefits of including broth in your regular diet:Helps heal and seal your gut, and promotes healthy digestion; Fights inflammation: reduces joint pain and inflammation as chondroitin sulphates, glucosamine, and other compounds are rich in a well-cooked stock.

Develop a weekly routine:

veal stock 4Simmer bones on low heat for an entire day with loads of vegetables. It is safe to slow cook the bones and vegetables anywhere from 12 to 48 hours. As it cooks the bones, there is a release of nutrients and minerals that makes nutrient-rich collagen, gelatin, and glucosamine easier to digest. This will create one of the most nutritious and healing foods there is. This broth can be used as a base for soups, stews, or sip it straight. Freeze the stock in glass containers (leave 3” at the top to allow for expansion) for future use.

Beef Broth

4 pounds of beef marrow, knuckle bones - only use grass-fed beef3 pounds meaty rib or neck bones4 or more quarts cold water¼ cup apple cider vinegar3 onions, coarsely chopped3 carrots, coarsely chopped1 whole fennel bulb, chopped4 celery stalks with leaves, coarsely choppedCeltic sea salt only after broth is completed

veal stock 3Soak cold bones in water for 10-15 minutes. Water should cover the bones. This removes the impurities. Then cook your beef bones in water before making the stock. Bring a pot of water to boil with the bones. As soon as the water boils, turn off and drain completely.

To make the stock:

In a large pot, place boiled bones, cold water, vinegar, and vegetables. Do NOT skip the vinegar step; it draws the minerals out of the bones. Bring the pot to a simmer and reduce the heat to the lowest temperature. Let the pot sit for longer than you think is possible. It will be fine 5-6 hours or even overnight (on super slow simmer), leaving the lid off. Once it reduces, you can see what the flavor is really like and then add some sea salt to bring out the flavors.

Add kombu and herbs (thyme, bay, garlic or ginger make for a richer stock, but be advised that if you add ginger this will be your flavor for all your stock and any soups/cooking you may use the stock for.)

Additional notes on beef broth:

veal stock 1I have a 8 ½ quart crock pot and use about 3 lbs of bones. If you find a farmer, it may require that you purchase 24 lbs of bones. If you wish to make a large stock with this quantity, it will require a very large pot!

Try to use several types of bones, but always include the large knuckle that has a lot of cartilage. These can be bought from your butcher. Grass-fed beef ONLYBones should not be disintegrated.

Save any vegetables that will not keep until the day you make stock. Freeze your carrots, garlic, onion and celery trimmings in a bag until the day you will be making your stock.

A pressure cooked stock should take about an hour or so… not longer.

You want to remove the bones. They are NOT suppose to be cooked INTO the stock.

I do not think this should make any difference in flavor, but the mineral content of a slow-cooked stock will be better than pressure cooker. Pressure-cooked stock will break down some of the proteins into individual amino acids like glutamic acid. Best to go with the slow-cooked method over pressure cooker, BUT that said, if you are short on time, go ahead and make your stock in a pressure cooker.

Get into the habit of making a stock each week. Fish bones make for a great fish stock and a whole organic and PASTURED chicken carcass will also make a terrific broth. As for the beef bones, always choose grass-fed, as it is preferred over grain-fed because grass-fed animals are higher in omega-3 and vitamins A and D over grain-fed, which will be higher in omega-6.

The house will smell great each time you slow cook a stock!