
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Chestnut Polenta

chestnut polentaAs part of the DC Central Kitchen and Martha's Table benefits this year, I served a Chestnut Polenta.  Glen Roberts of Anson Mills arranged to ship the chestnut polenta for the recipe to me in Washington DC.

The key to this polenta is cooking it long and slow and using 3 times the amount of liquid to polenta.

I used ½ Cayuga Pure Stone ground corn and ½ chestnut flour (polenta) from Anson Mills.

1 cup corn polenta1 cup chestnut polenta6 cups milk1 cup grass fed butter

Heat the milk and bring to a slow simmer.  Add the corn and chestnut polenta and reduce the heat to just barely a flame. Stirring frequently for 30 minutes. Just before serving, cut the butter into small pieces and drop in to the polenta.

I served this with sautéed mushrooms and Brussels sprouts and loads of fresh thyme leaves.