
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Coconut Cardamom Ice Cream

I have been working on Indian recipes this month and so many Indian desserts are super sweet and loaded with sugar. This one hits the spot without the sugar or dairy and is super easy. This is non-dairy and sweetened with maple syrup or honey.Makes 3 quarts4 16-ounce cans unsweetened coconut milk1/2 cup raw honey or maple syrup1 tablespoon cardamom powder (grind cardamom in grinder)Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend thoroughly. Chill in the freezer for 40 minutes. Place in ice cream maker and churn as manufacturer directs or remove from freezer and stir every 10 minutes to fold in crystals and place back in freezer after stirring.There is a wonderful product on the market called unsweetened organic coconut flakes by Let’s Do Organic that is perfect to fold into the ice cream. Replace the cardamom with almond extract and add some chocolate chunks and almonds and you’ll have almond joy ice cream! Oh Joy!Photo Credit: SingChan