
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Demystifying the labels continues...

Today I saw an egg carton that had the term “Free Run” written across it.

There’s a new term I am not familiar with… most likely another confusing marketing ploy to make consumers think they are buying something better than free range?

It’s bad enough that the term “free range” doesn’t really mean either "free" or "range."

“Free-Run” – what does it mean? I do a few searches for term and find nothing on “free run.” In fact there’s no legal definition for “free-run," “free-range,” or “cage-free”. The industry has adopted theses terms for factory “barns” that house tens of thousands of birds on grated or concrete floors.  The birds never go outside.  They may have “access” through a small door, but these birds have no chance of exploring as they have all their instincts to go outside bred out of them… The food industry continues their marketing PLOYS! Buyer beware- find a local farmer and be done with this nonsense!

Here's a link to past Living Local egg-related blogs.

Post header photo credit:  Kelley DeBettencourt

Photo credit:  noricum