
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences


I think this is one dish I look forward to every Passover. It is simply so different than any other condiment.

Haroset represents the mortar. Its thick, chutney-like consistency symbolizes the bricks and mortar the Jews had to prepare when they were slaves, while its sweetness represents the joy of freedom that followed their slavery. Every year, I have tried different recipes, and while they may vary a bit, I make it with whatever ingredients inspire me. I do like pecans, apples, dates, ginger, cinnamon and red wine. Many of my friends say you can only make this with Manischewitz wine. I use dates and they bring about plenty of sweetness.


6 organic apples (Gala or Fuji) I do not peel them1 cup roasted pecans or almonds10 dates, pitted1 teaspoon cinnamon¼ cup red wine

Blend in food processor until desired consistency.