
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

If I Were In Charge Of Thanksgiving

turkeyIf I were in charge of ThanksgivingI'd cancel Black Fridays,working on Wednesday,marshmallows, icons of scarecrows Indian & pilgrims.If I were in charge of ThanksgivingThere'd be pumpkin pie for breakfast,apple pecan salad for lunchand turkey and cranberries for dinner.If I were in charge of ThanksgivingYou wouldn't eat too much food.Everyone would have familyand dear friends and everyone would have a delicious warm meal,and everyone would have reasons to be grateful.Everyone would feel abundanceand grace and enjoy warm roasted chestnuts.If I were in charge of Thanksgivinganimals raised for food would live humanelyand GMOs would be eliminated by major food companies.Black, Bronze, Narragansett, White Holland,Slate, Bourbon Red, Beltsville Small White,and Royal Palm heritage breed turkeys would replace Butterballs.If I were in charge of Thanksgiving,Brussels sprouts would be roasted (not boiled)and cranberry relish would be ketchup.And a person who sometimes forgot to find humor when gathered with family,and sometimes complains,would still be allowed to beIn charge of Thanksgiving.~ adapted from Judith Viorst