
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

It all Starts with the GUT

View_of_Viscera The Gut!The gut is the center of the digestion system and the center for staying healthy. It all starts with your gut. If your gut isn’t happy, your health is compromised.Imbalances or disturbances of the gut microbes can lead to a wide range of diseases including obesity, inflammatory bowel diseases, depression and anxiety.Research links connection between gut bacteria and many other aspects of human health. The conclusion is clear: if you can change your gut, you can change your life.Here is an article on Chris Kessler’s web site that explains the health of the gut and why probiotics are important and how good bacteria feed” on resistant starch and produce short chain fatty acids through fermentation.Mark Hyman explains how optimal gut balance begins with your diet, which directly affects that balance. You want to eat a diet with lots of fiber, healthy protein, and healthy fats. A daily diet that is great for your gut may look like this:Breakfast: Smoothie with blackberries, ginger, turmeric, parsley.1/4 raw sweet potato (resistant starch) and a few tablespoons yogurt or avocado or greens with 2 eggs over easy.Intermittent fast 2-3 times per week.Lunch:  Sautéed greens & leeks with 2 tablespoons butter, and mackerel filets, topped with kimchi,or vegetable soup with beef broth and 3-4 ounces grass-fed beef, sautéed greens with 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil.(2-6 Tablespoons of fermented vegetables per day)Dinner: Salmon with sautéed cabbage and sweet potato al dente with 2 tablespoons of grass fed butter,or 3-4 ounces meatloaf made with grass-fed ground beef and ½ - whole baked potato with 2 tablespoons butter, steamed broccoli and 3 tablespoons kimchi.(15 to 30 grams daily of resistant starch per day )Great source of omega 3s:

  • Eat good fats such as extra-virgin olive oil and avocados
  • & Wild foods like 100%grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish provide a
  • Keep the fructose levels low - less than 25 grams per day
  • ½ cup of dates = 55 grams fructose
  • 1 cup fresh raspberries  = 6 grams of fructose
  • 1 cup strawberries = 8 grams of fructose
  • Limit the grains and the store bought nut milks

IMG_1093Click here for recipes on how to make nut milks!Eat an avocado a day & count it as your fat and fiber!Eat mostly high-fiber plant foods.MOVE! Movement is importantMeditate, pray, reduce stressWalk, dance, hike, run (moderate intensity, 30 minutes each day)“Many scientists have begun to refer to the gut as our second brain, an idea that is reflected in books like The Good Gut, Brainmaker, The Microbiome Solution, and The Gut Balance Revolution.” Mark Hyman