
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Matzoh Ball Soup

Honestly, this is my least favorite dish, but I do like a broth that has loads of flavor and is clear. Dill and carrots are a must. I make a stock using a chicken carcass, onions, carrots, celery and 1 gallon of water. I cook for 1.5 hours and strain.

To make the soup, I simply slice one carrot very thin into circles and add to the strained broth.  Cook the carrots in the broth for about 20 minutes until cooked. To make the matzoh balls, I buy matzoh meal in the box.4 egg yolks1 tsp. salt2 Tbsp. grated onion2 Tbsp. melted chicken fat or butter4 egg whites, stiffly beaten3/4 cup matzoh mealBeat together eggs, salt, onion, and fat until creamy. Gradually fold the matzoh meal into egg mixture. Chill at least one hour and can be left overnight. Moisten hands and shape into 1/2-inch balls. Cook in 1 gallon of well salted water in a covered saucepan 30 minutes (or longer). Makes about 24. Add to the chicken broth and carrots and top with a dill sprig.Image Credit:  cogdogblog