
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

More for the holidays

With  holidays and family time to come, here are some ideas for this season of giving. In search for holiday gifts?I have a larder full of great gift items.

Local Living

Local Living

  • I have plum puddings!!!

  • raw bars

  • granola

  • preserved lemons

  • spices

  • tomato sauce

  • beans

And for all of my shoppers, I have a burlap “Kitchen Porch” shopping bag!  These bags are super-sturdy and durable and make a great gift on their own as well.

For those on the island, give a call and I can meet you at the kitchen.

If you are off island, I will ship. 


And, I have other news and fun to look out for - In January, I will be teaming up with Kimberly Cartright and Kristine Kopp. We will be teaching a 2 week class:  “A New Year to Mind Body Wealth”. As we go into the new year, we begin with a diet that will keep us warm, nurtured and clean. We will be spinning and meditating all in one! No kidding!  This program promises to bring a fresh start to the rest of winter.  More details to come...Plans for our Ojai Winter Retreat at the end of January continue to progress and registration is picking up.  If you are interested in attending this retreat,  please visit our event page:  Winter Retreat in Ojai.  Come join me along with Sherry & Robert Sidoti and Tony Khalife for 5-days of yoga, cooking classes, local foods, music and more!