
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Note From The Desk Of John Bagnulo

Health is a multidimensional state that contains a variety of biochemical, mental, and spiritual components or pathways. I prefer pathways because the word does a much better job of describing the dynamic nature of each versus the static image that most individuals have in their minds. We are always changing, and this requires ongoing efforts to maintain some sort of homeostasis on all fronts. The clearest examples of this are how blood pressure changes when potassium intake increases and how triglycerides drop when insulin levels fall. In each case, the body adjusts relatively quickly. With the increased ratio of potassium to sodium, less water is retained, and our systolic blood pressure drops. As our insulin levels decrease, the liver has a decreased role in LDL cholesterol and triglyceride synthesis. As a result, both small dense LDLs and triglycerides are reduced rapidly. Similarly, there are physiological reactions occurring for every action in the ecosystem that is the microbiome or within the inflammatory cascade as it relates to the types of fatty acids present in our diet. The mental balance that is essential to wellness is also sensitive to change. Understanding and appreciating the power that we hold and the influence that our lifestyle has on our health is critical, while acknowledging that events frequently occur outside of our control is equally important. When it comes to health, being able to determine which is which may be the single most important skill.

We will circle back on the pathways to our health as we take in potassium and fatty acids in our diets. Yes ! It will be delicious and Yes! It will be fun!

Check out more details about our Fall Retreat HERE.

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