
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Quick Pickled Peppers.

We pickle a lot of vegetables in our kitchen.We have a policy that nothing goes to waste and that means when there is abundance, we get to pickling.It is a very tasty way to preserve food when it is at it’s peak and enjoy a few days or weeks later.We pickle everything and most recently, I witnessed Chef Nathan Gould pickle mustard seeds! YUM!We often pickle shrimp with coriander and I prefer them over steamed.When the pepper crop is overflowing, get to pickling. A lot of vinegar, a few favorite spices and a little bit of sweetness, tones and balances everything out perfectly! Experiment with different vinegars and sweeteners. I like coconut vinegar and honey. If you come across a bunch of peppers (don’t be afraid to mix them) at the farmers’ market this weekend, you can bottle them up for later with this simple refrigerator pickle recipe.QUICK PICKLES½ pound peppers:  ( choose jalapeños or whatever you wish - we like the scotch bonnets but they are spicier)1 cup apple cider vinegar (or whatever you wish)1 cup water2 tablespoons honey or sugar of choice3 cloves garlic, peeled and smashedIMG_0150Spices:Wear gloves to prevent your fingers from feeling burned. Cut the peppers in half  and use a paring knife to remove the membranes and seeds before slicing. Slice the pickles thin. (Beware, pepper fumes can give off a bit of heat as well!.) Combine the sliced peppers and smashed garlic in a larger glass jar. In a small saucepan, combine the vinegar, water, honey and salt. Bring the mixture close to a boil on the stove, stirring to dissolve the sweetener into the liquid. Remove from heat and carefully pour the liquid over the peppers. Let the pickles cool to room temperature in the jar, then screw on a lid and refrigerate the pickles. Depending on how thinly you sliced the peppers, they could be ready to eat immediately or might need a couple of days in the refrigerator before they taste fully pickled (sample one to find out!). They are best when relatively fresh, but keep well for at least a month.Note: When we pickle shrimp, we add coriander seeds, a bay leaf and a star anise.