
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Raw Banana Pudding with Walnuts

banana puddingI haven't written here in a while...  I work with Jan regularly behind the scenes here on the blog and marketing for Kitchen Porch - Culinary Experiences.  I'm actually always here in one way or another.

I'm inspired by Jan in many ways.  Jan's delicious recipes and her own inspirations, her resources and fervor when it comes to local and well-sourced foods, as well as her own eating beliefs and lifestyle - all are a constant positive reinforcement and influence for me.  I'm honored to share a bit of my own experience and some recipes I've created.

I am married now for over 20 years to my high-school sweetheart, Ron.  We have two sons.  Eli is 17 years old and already a successful professional photographer.  Ari is almost 18 months old and was our surprise blessing and true gift.  I believe Ari was a result of healthy-living and lots of power yoga!  When I have the opportunity, I write about myself and our lives, challenges, and of course good food, on my personal blog This Present Life.

I've recently embarked on a gluten-free and refined-sugar-free lifestyle to try and get back to that healthy-living place I was in before I got pregnant and became immersed in "new" motherhood all over again.  It is not a diet - I really dislike that word and type of terminology.  I do not feel like I am on a diet, and believe me, I've been-there, done-that.  I DO feel 100% better than I did a month and half ago.  No more brain fog, and my joint pain, which I thought was a remnant from giving birth over a year ago, is gone.  I definitely attribute my energy level and the absence of those things to the change in my eating lifestyle.  I am slowly, but surely, taking on more of a Paleolithic type of eating style, trying to find the balance that works best for me and my body.

Dessert is just necessary sometimes, I'm sure most would agree!  On this journey, I am finding new ways to create delicious, satisfying and healthy desserts for myself and my family. That's the ticket - if I can satisfy the big boys, I'm golden!

I am further inspired to experiment with raw foods. We will be lucky come July when Stacy Stowers comes to live with us for a week while she guides us and teaches us all about raw, gluten-free and dairy-free eating.  A week that will be easy for me since I love to eat everything and I'm not too picky about how or what it is, but it will surely be more challenging to please the boys.  I'm trying to see what raw foods they might enjoy in advance of our week in July.  My experimenting has become a most enjoyable and pleasant practice!

This recipe makes 3 perfect servings. Adjust as needed for more. You really won't want less...

1 can of organic whole coconut milk: open and scoop the thick coconut cream out and put in a glass container in the fridge for 1/2 hour or longer (it will harden a bit)2 organic bananas1 tablespoon organic maple syrup1/4 teaspoon organic vanilla1/4 teaspoon organic cinnamonHandful of raw organic walnuts

Take coconut cream out of fridge and scoop into a bigger bowl. Mash one banana and add to coconut cream. Add maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon. Mix with a spoon until all is combined and smooth and creamy.

Slice the 2nd banana into thin slices. Layer 4-5 slices of banana in bottom of dish, then a few walnuts. cover with some pudding. repeat. Add slice of banana & walnut on top. Consume immediately or leave out covered at room temperature for up to 1 hour. If you must refrigerate for several hours, let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes to soften before serving.

Recipe originally published on This Present Life.