
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Raw Cranberry Sauce


My dear friend Clarissa, of the Allen farm and I have been spending Thanksgiving together for about the last 20 years. We take in the widows and orphans of Chilmark and beyond and make a day of it. Our friend Valerie Reece makes pies with the children (although the kids are all teens and beyond now!) and Tim brings a cage of pies in a “case” he built just to carry his pies in. The day always include a hike to Lucy Vincent.

Clarissa and I get into a war about which is better a raw cranberry sauce or a cooked one! I prefer the raw one and every year it takes a new form. This is inspired form my raw diet:

Raw Cranberry Sauce

1 orange with skins on seeds removed

12 dates, pitted and chopped

1 organic apple with skin

3 cups fresh cranberries

Blend orange and dates in a food processor and pulse until very small pieces. Add apple and cranberries and pulse until a nice consistency. This will keep for a week, so make it ahead!