
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Scallops and Parsnip Puree

scallopsThe bay scallops are like candy this time of year and when served with this puree, they are remarkable. I only use a smudge of puree (along with a little drizzle of pumpkin oil, maldon sea salt and cracked pepper) under the scallops so guests can toothpick the scallops and smear the smudge onto the scallop... Then serve the puree as a side dish with dinner-no one will know! Two for one. This also makes a remarkable sauce for fish.


Parsnip PureeMakes 8 servings

4 Tablespoons butter or olive oil1 large onion, chopped - about 2 cups2 lbs parsnips- peeled and chopped into 1" piecesSea saltPepper4 cups vegetable stockJuice of a lemonOptional: pumpkin oil, pumpkin seeds, minced parsley for garnish

In a 6 quart pot or “skillet”, melt the butter or oil and cook the onion over medium-low heat until translucent and softened, about 10 minutes. Add the parsnips to the onions and season with salt and pepper. Cover and cook about 10 minutes.

Add 2 cups of the stock and cover. Bring to a gentle simmer, reducing the heat. Cook covered for 15 minutes. Add the remaining stock (if needed) and continue simmering until the parsnips tender, about 10-12 minutes more.

Puree the soup with a blender.

At this point, the puree can be stored until ready to serve and can be made up to 5 days prior to serving. Just before serving, reheat and add in fresh squeezed lemon juice and Serve with a swirl of oil (pumpkin, avocado or pistachio are terrific!) top with roasted pumpkin seeds and or chopped parsley

For Bay Scallops:

Heat a skillet with a little high heat oil (ghee, etc). When the oil starts to shimmer add the scallops and allow to sear for 30 seconds - then stir around for another 20 seconds. Have your plate for serving ready with a "smudge" of parsnip puree across it.

Remove from the pan and serve  the scallops on top of the puree and immediately.