
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Yucca Salad

Learn to love root vegetables and cook them al dente! This means cooked firm to the bite. Read more about why this is important and the benefits of "resistant starches" here:  Yucca: A Healthy Root.Yucca Saladyucca-2-CIAT3 lbs cooked yucca - undercooked cut into small pieces1 lb steamed green beans cut into halves½ red onion sliced paper thin and cut in half2 cups shredded carrots1 cup shredded radishes1 cup steamed broccoli or cauliflower florets1 bunch green onions sliced thin1 lb sliced fennel1 lb peas½ cup rice wine vinegar or red wine vinegar2 cups homemade mayonnaise (see Two Homemade Mayos)Note: fresh herbs like thyme, basil and parsley make for wonderful additions to this salad.Remove about 4 pieces of each vegetable or herb to use as garnish at the end.Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and toss with ½ cup of rice wine vinegar.Fold in 2 cups of the mayonnaise - you may need more, taste and correct. Sprinkle reserved vegetables and herbs to garnish the top of the salad.Photo Credit:  CIAT