Cooking Series

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Extinguishing Inflammation Great Foods : Cooking Class and Lecture

Extinguishing Inflammation Great Foods : Cooking Class and Lecture


We offered an 8 hour retreat in October, on inflammation and how it affects our health and great foods that fight inflammation. It was part lecture, part cooking class.
Here we offer the videos, the resources, and the recipes and slide show all in one place just for you.

Learning about common nutritional influences that can mitigate the inflammatory response. Inflammation is a major driving force behind chronic diseases: cancer, diabetes and obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, and atherosclerosis. There are many factors that contribute to inflammation. In this workshop, you will learn key nutrients and lifestyle choices that can extinguish the inflammatory responses. Targeting inflammation, learning how to increase health, and eating delicious meals will all be benefits of the retreat!

Virtual Retreat | Two days of recipes and shopping lists | Resources, slide show, and lecture notes | A link to the recorded videos of the 2-day event.

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