
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

A True Fisherman Lives in our Hearts

tommy"There's no greater place in the world to get cancer and croak than the Vineyard," said Tommy Osmers after a fundraiser involving more than 300 people who came out to contribute, honor, and help him when he was going to Boston for cancer treatments.

Tom gave to the community in so many ways. He was a voice on fishing and policy on the industry. He was my educator of fish when I needed clarification.

Tom saw how what we do in our small community can and does affect our larger communities and the world. He witnessed the collapse of commercial fishing on Martha's Vineyard and he became a voice to our local issues and advocate for our community to Boston, not only at the State level, but also at the Federal level and internationally.

Tom has gone - has passed onto the greater ocean.

Tom was laid out in his bed, just as though he was sleeping peacefully with a slight smile on his face.

I sat down next to him and remembered how he always welcomed me to come and sit next to him on his bed on bad days when he didn't get up. Friends and fellow fishermen gathered around his living room with his bed in the middle, just as he has it positioned the last months. Friends told stories and shared comments about how we will have to continue his work.

This is how it always should be, said a dear friend. He was referring to the idea that when ones dies, we lay the body out (or, in the case of Tom, leave it as is) for us to gather around and see him in his flesh, but also know that he has gone on..that he is no longer with us, but also remember his work and look deeper to what we can do to continue on.