
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Garam Masala

WARM Flavors - meant to warm the body

Garam masala is best made fresh just before you begin cooking, but if you don't have the patience (like me!), make a batch ahead and store for several months in an air-tight container in a cool, dark place. Garam is more of a "finishing spice" blend.

4 tbsp coriander seeds2 tbsp cumin seeds1 tbsp black peppercorns1 ½ tsp black cumin seeds (shahjeera)1 ½ tsp dry ginger¾ tsp black cardamom (3-4 large pods approx)¾ tsp cloves¾ tsp cinnamon (2 1/2 pieces)¾ tsp crushed bay leaves½ tsp star anise**If you have ground spices (such as coriander or ground cumin, etc. you may use them, but use 1/2 teaspoon less).

Heat all your seeds in a skillet until you smell the aromas and pull off heat immediately so they do not burn. Allow the spices to cool. Put all the seeds or pieces in coffee grinder and process. Mix well with all spices. Keep in air-tight container for 6 months! I use this sprinkled as a finish to my Vegetable Samosas, but you can use if anywhere you want interesting flavor. I will add to lemon juice and olive oil for a salad dressing for grain salads or sprinkle on a soup just before serving.

Photo Credit:  FotoosVanRobin