
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Kimchi Reuben Sandwich

3 tablespoons fermented cabbage - kimchi (recipe for Traditional Kimchi)2 tablespoons chipotle mayo (I use a chipotle and Vegenaise mayo and blend them together and it keeps for months in the fridge)2 slices Swiss cheeseTwo slices of Ezekiel bread2 tablespoons olive oil or butter

Spread the mayo on both sides of the bread, place the cabbage on top of mayo and lay cheese slices on top of the cabbage. Use a skillet that can hold enough room to flip the sandwich over onto more melted butter or oil. Melt one tablespoon olive oil or butter in a skillet and place sandwich on top of butter over medium heat. Lightly brown one side of bread and begin to melt the cheese. When the one side is nicely browned, add 1 tablespoon more of oil or butter in the skillet brown other side of sandwich.

Image Credit: Kimtaro