
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Metabolic Boot Camp Series: Liver Health

Most people are unaware of the liver's role in determining our metabolism.

The more we burden this organ with too much alcohol, too many medications, and too many chemicals overall, the harder it becomes to lose weight or even maintain a healthy weight. This is why an intensive detox is so helpful for people. A few days of intense sweating, a supportive diet of those most amazing fruits and vegetables, and plenty of fluid, is usually the ticket.

This is the basis of the protocol we will following during our Metabolic Boot Camp.

In past programs, participants have said that they feel less joint pain, more mental clarity, and a greater overall sense of well-being after just a few days.

The foods we have people eat several times per day are high in glutathione, magnesium, sulfurophane, and a variety of bioflavonoids, to name a few. These nutrients are powerhouses that can accelerate the liver's ability to drop toxins. This results in everything we are looking for.

Come join us at the Metabolic Boot Camp April here on Martha's Vineyard!

NOTE: Metabolic Boot Camp participants have access to a password protected page on this site:

Metabolic Boot Camp Recipes

Once boot camp is completed, participants will be given the password to access all the recipes shared during the program.

Photo Credit:  Kelley DeBettencourt