
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Roasted Butternut Squash

Squash can be sexy!

"Squash is a great member of the curcubitae family and all, especially the seeds, contain high levels of citrulline. This helps our body utilize arginine more effectively for improved blood flow and better circulation. It is often called the poor wo/man's Viagra. When I recommend it for those I work with in my private practice (to eat more cucumbers, squash, zucchini, and pumpkin) who feel as though their sex life is diminished, they get great results!"~ John Bagnulo

butternut squash-fred_vRoasted Butternut SquashServes 4-6

1 large butternut squash with skin on and seed intake, cut diagonally in half and then crosswise just above the seed cavity1 Tablespoon maple syrup1 Tablespoon sea salt1 Tablespoon Raz el Hanout

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place squash skin side down in roasting pan.  Drizzle maple syrup over squash.  Sprinkle with Raz el Hanout (or cinnamon or nutmeg or cloves or anise or a LITTLE bit of each and roast in oven until cooked through.  Serve with seeds and flesh.

 Photo Credit:  fred_v