
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Take Over Halloween

I live too far away from any trick-or-treaters, although I am often tempted to purchase something that reflects the seasons.

But buyer beware!

Halloween can be a costly undertaking - outfitting all of those ghosts and pirates contributes to big business. The average American spends $75.00 on decorations, costumes, and candy topping a total of $6 billion. Now that is scary!

I am following Occupy Wall Street, and while I am ready to go join the demonstrations, I am also considering my moves at home. We can call it “Take Over Halloween”.

One way we can all enjoy the season is to find a local farm and partake in their celebrations. Here on the Vineyard we have Morning Glory Farm’s Pumpkin Fest.

There are alternatives to the usual mass market, preservative-laden sweets. One innovative program I like is Reverse Trick-or-Treating to support Fair Trade.

Let’s take back Halloween from Big Business and Keep it Local and Reuse!

  • Stock beeswax (local!) candles.
  • Look for treats made with cane sugar and fruit juice.
  • Opt out on the candy!
  • Opt for popcorn packets, granola bars, nuts and fruit.
  • Consider giving away non-food items like seed envelopes, candles, small flashlights.
  • Lug your goodies home in a canvas bag, rather than a disposable plastic one or use what I used as a kid; an old pillow case!
  • Make your own costume.
  • Create a fashion statement by scavenging items from your closet or a local thrift store.

If we can’t partake in Wall Street, we can begin at home.