Porks & Knives Prep Kitchen Porch, Living Local MV, Porks & Knives, Swine & DineADMINNovember 1, 2013caul, charcuterie, crepinettes, gayettes, kirsch, Porks & Knives, raz el hanout, Swine & DineComment
Roasted Butternut Squash Kitchen Porch, Our Recipes, Thanksgiving RecipesADMINOctober 14, 2013Autumn, butternut squash, Fall, maple syrup, raz el hanout, sea salt, ThanksgivingComment
End of the Season Salsa Kitchen Porch, Our RecipesADMINOctober 14, 2013cilantro, Fall, garlic, green tomatoes, hot pepper, lime juice, orange juice, salsa, Summer, tomatillos, white onionComment
Stuffed Acorn Squash with Quinoa and Vegetables Kitchen Porch, Our Recipes, Thanksgiving RecipesADMINOctober 14, 2013acorn squash, apple cider, Autumn, broth, cinnamon, Fall, olive oil, onion, pepper, quinoa, raz el hanout, sea salt, squash, squash seeds, ThanksgivingComment
Roasted Delicata Squash Kitchen Porch, Our Recipes, Thanksgiving RecipesADMINOctober 14, 2013Autumn, cinnamon, delicata squash, Fall, maple syrup, rosemary, sea salt, squash, squash seeds, ThanksgivingComment
Corn Pudding Soufflé Food Industry, Kitchen Porch, Our RecipesADMINJuly 29, 2013butter, cheese, corn, eggs, feta, flour, goat cheese, milk, Morning Glory Farm, scallions, shallots, soufflé, Summer, white pepperComment
Beans, Peas and More Peas with Coriander and Nigella Our RecipesADMINJuly 2, 2013chard, coriander seeds, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, green beans, kale, lemons, mustard seeds, nigella seeds, peas, red onion, salad, snow peas, sorrel, spinach, Summer, tarragonComment